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Augmented Reality

My Museum
- Enjoy paintings in your room

ARCore, ARKit

Face Tracking
- Supports multi face tracking
- Using ARKit 3.0
- Overlay emoji on your tracked face


Aquarium AR
- Very Similar to Furniture AR App
- Design 3D Aquarium model  dynamically
- iPhone Application
- Saving Aquarium data.

Unity, ARKit

GeoLocation Based App
- Launching 3D models according to geo-location info
- Ground detection
- Getting info from Server.
Pokemon Go clone
The Magic GO is a game of geolocation and augmented reality where you are a young who lost his father recently, but to love both his father, still believes he is alive, but turns out he actually was elvado for Secret World full fantastic creatures, but to release it, will need to win the 24 rare cards that will open the portal. 

Unity, Vuforia, MapBox, Geo Location, Backend API

Dynamic image/video/3DModel
Upload System - AR App
User can upload 3D Model, images, GPS and Videos in website and in real time it will update in application Feature:
- images
- videos
- 3D models
- GPS location
We have created this framework and if interested contact us!

Unity, Vuforia, MapBox, Geo Location, Backend API

Restaurant Menu App
Menu App for worldwide restaurants.
 - Realistic food with AR
 - Showing detailed information of food
 -  Launching Food model on the plane

Unity, ARKit, 3D Modeling, App Design, Backend API

Live Animals 4D
Live Animals4D app makes learning fun with the technology of Augmented Reality! 
Just place the flashcard facing the camera, a 3D model of live animal appears. Not just that, with VR mode on, the experience is mind blowing, a whole new and interactive way for kids to learn.

Unity, Vuforia, MapBox, Geo Location, Backend API

Pro Boxing with Politicians
 - Pro Boxing in realistic environment.
 - iOS Game with ARKit
 - GAME between your favorite politicians

Unity, ARKit

AR ColorStack
 - funny Color Stack
 - iOS Game with ARKit 

Unity, ARKit

Book with AR content as presentation of 3Dynamics Germany. It includes the services and portfolio until the year 2018.

Unity, Vuforia, Android, iPhone

Furniture AR
- Furniture AR app with EasyAR,
- Changeable color of furniture.
- youtube video play
- Backend

Unity, EasyAR, Plane Detection, Backend API

Volvo show with AR
 - Changeable color of car
 - AR show

Unity, Vuforia, 3D Modeling

zoomerang for Swimming Pool with ARKit
 - This program is for use by swimming   
   pool owners to visualize how one of our  pool water slides is going to look and fit into their pool area. 

Unity, ARKit

Living Texture

 - Print directly

 - Real-time coloring

 - Proximity features

 - Page association

 - Simple Games

 - Educational Quizzes

Unity, Vuforia, 3D Modeling

To see more or discuss possible work let's talk >>
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